17. When your soul is exhausted

The way this guy can recall scripture always blows my mind. Curtis Zachary, or CZ as most know him, shares about a time he was utterly exhausted all in the name of doing work for God and the journey he went on to discover what true rest for our souls can actually look like.

16. When your greatest fear becomes your reality

No matter what hardship you may be experiencing, Jamie Heard’s story is going to encourage you. It’s also going to kick your booty, but she will challenge you, push you, and ultimately encourage you to fix your eyes on Jesus.

15. When you’re in the desert

Kristi McLelland is one of my favorite Bible teachers and she’s got a story for you about a time when she followed God’s leading straight into a desert, and how even in our darkest days, the Living God is better than we will ever know.

14. When rejection feels personal and causes you to doubt God’s plan

This is a guy who’s opinion I’m always interested in. My friend, Dwan Hill, joins me in the studio to talk about a time when it felt like the door to his entire future was slammed in his face, but how God proved Himself to be bigger and better than he ever thought possible.

13. When you’re single and not happy about it

My friend, Lauren Lianne and I have a very raw conversation about the hardship of singleness, how to trust God with something you so desperately want, and what to do when the doubts creep in that maybe God isn’t good or doesn’t have your best in mind.