Fearing bad news

There is a lot of bad news I can imagine receiving, and recently I’ve found myself constantly imagining some of my worst fears coming to fruition. I’ve been told this is normal, but I don’t want to keep getting slammed with fear of bad news. And I’m realizing I don’t have to…

Praying honestly: God can handle it

Ever feel like you can’t be honest with God in prayer? I used to think it was sinful or immature to express negative feelings to God. I was afraid if I communicated hurt or frustration in my prayers, I would somehow diminish God’s power or disprove my trust in Him.

The one thing I didn’t believe God could do

God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.  God will give you the desires of your heart.  God has plans for you– plans to prosper you, not to harm you.  I believe those statements to be true. I believe in a God who knows us intimately, has personalized plans for us, cares about […]

Show up to give

What would it look like if you and I showed up everywhere, every day, with the intention of giving?

What if a wedding isn’t about the bride + groom?

If you follow me on instagram, you know that my husband and I just celebrated our one year anniversary. I was slightly obnoxious with the amount of pictures I posted, both of our beach vacation and photos from our wedding. I couldn’t help myself. All day long on our actual anniversary, I was constantly reminiscing […]