22. When you have to choose faith or fear

Are you ready to have your faith built up? Because it's about to happen! I had the joy of sitting down with my friend, Rebecca Gray, to talk about 4 intense days that changed her life. She is here to testify of the Lord's goodness and you will only love Him more after listening to this.

Are you ready to have your faith built up? Because it’s about to happen! I had the joy of sitting down with my friend, Rebecca Gray, to talk about 4 intense days that changed her life. She is here to testify of the Lord’s goodness and you will only love Him more after listening to this.

 In this episode, we discuss:

  • How we all have a choice of faith or fear
  • How we can pray for miracles, we can pray for what we want, and also pray, “Thy Will Be Done”
  • How surrounding yourself with God’s Word, God’s Spirit, and God’s people is vital for walking through a hard season
  • How fiery trials refine our faith

Scripture Mentioned:

  • Joshua 1:9
  • Luke 22:42
  • Romans 8:28
  • Psalm 78:4

Resources Mentioned:

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My theme song and ad music is by my amazing friend, Shaylee Simeone. Check her out.

Quotes from this episode:

Every time I retell this story, the Holy Spirit speaks to my heart and reminds me that not for a second have I ever been alone. -Rebecca Gray

He said, “Fear or faith? Choose now.” -Rebecca Gray

Having faith, praying, and believing for an outcome is great. We can ask God whatever we want to ask Him. But we also have to say, “Thy will be done.” -Rebecca Gray

It wasn’t how hard I prayed, how well I prayed or how much I prayed. It was the mercy and grace of God. -Rebecca Gray

We have to be so careful not to have faith in the outcome, but to have faith in the One who gives the outcome. -Rebecca Gray