What should have been an exciting new chapter of life, began with the funerals of her dad and then mom. Morgan Coyner joins me in the studio today to talk about her “great terrible”, grief, death, addiction, and how the kindness of God can be found in even the darkest corners. Check out our show notes to learn more about The Next Door.

In this episode, we discuss:
- How vital community is during seasons of grief
- When you struggle to see the kindness of the Lord
- How you can’t allow your sin and shame to stay in the darkness
- The importance of lamenting and having space to wrestle with your doubts, anger, and disappointment
Scripture Mentioned:
- John 14:18
- Psalm 68:6
- 1 Peter 5:10
Resources Mentioned:
- The Next Door
- TND video Morgan talks about
- You can buy this cute T-shirt and support The Next Door
- TND Hope Line: 855-TND-HOPE
Episode sponsors:
- Faithful Counseling – Professional mental health counseling from a Biblical perspective
- 25 Days in Philippians
- The College Girl’s Survival Guide
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My theme song and ad music is by my amazing friend, Shaylee Simeone. Check her out.
Quotes from this episode:
I needed space to lament. -Morgan Coyner
I had to sit down and actually say, “God I am mad at you. I believe that You’re Sovereign and You’re good, but I’m mad that this is what is happening. -Morgan Coyner
Somehow THIS is going to work out for my good? I’m mad. -Morgan Coyner
I think I thought I was too righteous to feel angry at God. -Morgan Coyner
There’s something about grief that just humanizes you. I had to let myself be human. -Morgan Coyner
I had to find people who would let me lament, but also pour truth over me. -Morgan Coyner
I will never look at community the same. Those people saved my life. -Morgan Coyner
If you do not have people around you, find them. -Morgan Coyner
I think with any hardship, we learn the voice of God more clearly. -Morgan Coyner