Y’all are gonna love this girl. Ainsley B and her sassiness are in the house, talking about abusive relationships, how God has better for you, and how Jesus came to set us free.

In this episode, we discuss:
- How does one even find herself in an abusive relationship?
- How can we offer help and support to a friend in an abusive relationship?
- How the pathway to healing and freedom is a process that requires community
- How God is so much better and so much more powerful than we can ever understand
Scripture Mentioned:
- James 5:14-15
Resources Mentioned:
- More about Ainsley
- Ainsley’s coaching
- Ainsley’s instagram
- Gary Thomas’ Sacred Pathways
- 25 Days in Philippians
- The College Girl’s Survival Guide
You can also subscribe and listen here:
My theme song and ad music is by my amazing friend, Shaylee Simeone. Check her out.
Quotes from this episode:
I had to make a decision. I was either going to draw closer to the Lord and trust Him no matter what. Or run away from Him and abandon the truth and foundation of my entire upbringing. -Ainsley Britain
More core fear, as an enneagram 2, is to be unwanted. My core desire is to be wanted. -Ainsley Britain
Up until this point I had never doubted God. I just didn’t know His power. I didn’t know He had better for me. – Ainsley Britain