28. When you don’t know God has better for you

Y'all are gonna love this girl. Ainsley B and her sassiness are in the house, talking about abusive relationships, how God has better for you, and how Jesus came to set us free.

Y’all are gonna love this girl. Ainsley B and her sassiness are in the house, talking about abusive relationships, how God has better for you, and how Jesus came to set us free.

 In this episode, we discuss:

  • How does one even find herself in an abusive relationship?
  • How can we offer help and support to a friend in an abusive relationship?
  • How the pathway to healing and freedom is a process that requires community
  • How God is so much better and so much more powerful than we can ever understand

Scripture Mentioned:

  • James 5:14-15

Resources Mentioned:

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My theme song and ad music is by my amazing friend, Shaylee Simeone. Check her out.

Quotes from this episode:

I had to make a decision. I was either going to draw closer to the Lord and trust Him no matter what. Or run away from Him and abandon the truth and foundation of my entire upbringing. -Ainsley Britain

More core fear, as an enneagram 2, is to be unwanted. My core desire is to be wanted. -Ainsley Britain

Up until this point I had never doubted God. I just didn’t know His power. I didn’t know He had better for me. – Ainsley Britain