7. When you’re discontent and lonely

Hanna chats with her bestie, Ellen Boker about discontentment, taking agency of your life, how to survive seasons of loneliness and more.

Are you intentionally, purposefully living? Or does life just kind of happen to you? How do you deal with feelings of discontentment or, worse, loneliness? Hanna chats with her bestie, Ellen Boker about all of these things and more.

 In this episode, we discuss:

  • What does it mean to have agency in your life and where do you start?
  • What questions were you asking yourself as you took inventory of your life?
  • How do you decipher the difference between what you want for your life and what God wants for your life?
  • What does it mean to be putting yourself in the “means of grace”?
  • How do I decipher if I am experiencing a holy discontent or just boredom?
  • What did your conversations with God look like when you realized you may have made a wrong decision?
  • How do you thrive in seasons of loneliness? Where do you find encouragement?
  • What scripture did you hang onto during those times?
  • How do you encourage others who are experiencing something similar?

Scripture Mentioned:

  • Hebrews 4:15
  • Psalm 62

Resources Mentioned:

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