Reinventing yourself.

A lot of us go to college, planning on reinventing ourselves. Sometimes that’s a great thing. Other times, it actually may be negative. So, if you are one of those thinking about totally reinventing yourself, here are a few things for you to consider. 1. What are you running away from? When I went to […]
4 girls in a room.

“I just found out I have three roommates instead of only one and I’m freaking out.” I got a panicked call from my one of my college-bound friends last week. She just received her roommate assignment and found out that she didn’t just get assigned to live with her friend but also 2 other random […]
Dorm life.

“I’m a little nervous about dorm life and making sure I have everything I will need. What are the MUST HAVE things?” First of all, don’t fret my pet! You will probably pack more than you actually need. Less is more. Also, I am fairly certain there is a Walmart, Target, Container Store, Big Lots, […]
It’s my last summer at home

“It’s my last month at home before I head off to college. Any advice?” Why, yes. SOAK IT UP. 1. Spend quality time with your parents and siblings. I am a broken record about this. Probably because I wish I could go back in time and do a better job of this when I was […]
I’m living with a stranger!

“I’m really nervous about living with someone I’ve never met before. Any advice?” RANDOM ROOMMATE ASSIGNMENT. I love it so much; it fills my heart with joy thinking about all of the 18-year-olds in the country who are about to be thrown into a living space (smaller than the bedroom they grew up in) with […]
Summer Orientation: Don’t stress

Headed to new student orientation this summer? 4 things you DON’T need to stress over (that everyone else will) 1. Your room assignment. Most of you will have an overnight stay as part of your summer orientation experience. Don’t stress over this. It’s only for a few nights (or maybe even just one). If your orientation […]