The last couple of years I’ve taken a break from New Year’s Resolutions. That’s right. I said it.
For several years prior, my high-achieving, perfectionist self, made lots of lofty resolutions that required time, discipline, and serious commitment. Did I accomplish them? You bet I did. My pride is too great and my stubbornness too immense to do otherwise.
But one December, as I looked into the future of a new year and began devising my list of annual goals, I had an epiphany. You see, the prior year had taken a toll on me and I was a mess. I realized I had two choices.
I could create a list of goals and resolutions I wanted to achieve in the new year. I could set a measurable bar (oh S.M.A.R.T goals) of things for me to attain, a way for me to “grade” myself, and feel accomplished.
Or I could stop striving.
I could choose to not set any new goals for myself. I could refuse to fall into the performance trap I usually throw myself into. Instead, I could sit back, rest, and see what the Lord does.
So that’s what I did.
I waited. I rested. I sat back to observe God’s handiwork.
And you know what happened? I can honestly say it was the most fruitful year in my life–spiritually, emotionally, professionally– because I didn’t do any of it! I didn’t make any of it happen. I submitted to God’s will and control in my life, and let Him decide what New Year’s Resolutions to work in me.
Perhaps you already made your new year’s resolutions.
New Year goals and resolutions are great– don’t get me wrong! But now that we’re almost a week into 2016, maybe it’s time to take a moment and look over your list.
Are you striving? Are you hustling? Are you making things happen according to your own strength?
Or are you waiting on the Lord, resting in Him, and allowing Him to do His best work in your life?
Again, it’s not wrong to hustle. It’s certainly not wrong to work hard and be disciplined. But are we striving just for the sake of striving? Or are we waiting on the Lord, allowing Him to work, and then being obedient to what He’s initiated or invited you to do.