From Grumbling To Gratitude

I’m going to be brutally honest here. I hate folding my husband’s undershirts. I’ve never been a fan of folding laundry, but his laundry is the worst. When we first got married, folks would ask, “What’s been the biggest surprise in marriage?” “THE AMOUNT OF LAUNDRY HE ADDS.” was always my reply. My husband owns […]
Things that drive you crazy

“I’m going to kill my husband,” she said. “He always leaves his shoes at the front door. No matter what I do; no matter how many times I ask, beg, plead, throw fits, he will not pick up his shoes and put them in our closet. He knows it drives me crazy and for whatever reason, […]
Go to counseling

I have a sweet friend who is experiencing PTSD from something that happened a few years ago. I have another friend who just learned her parents are getting divorced. I have another friend who’s mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have another friend who is suffering from chronic illness. I have another friend who […]