Hannah’s Prayer: Rejoicing amidst sacrifice

What if we rejoiced in the Lord– not when God gives us what we want–but when we are facing sacrifice and loss?
Summer boredom

“I’ve been home for less than a week and am already bored to tears. Help!” Oh summer. We are desperate for you to get here and then we complain when we aren’t insanely busy. First of all- QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING. I’m kidding. (kind of) The number of summers you actually have left in life are […]
GRACE: receiving & extending it

A few weekends ago, I packed my bags and headed off to a retreat with my church’s youth group. Only a 30 minute drive from home, somehow the location of this camp makes me feel like we’re hundreds of miles from home– in the most relaxing and enjoyable way possible. I love our youth retreats. […]