A Valentine to My Younger Self

In 2013, I wrote a blog post called “Please stop being a Valentine’s Day hater.” I was 28 years old and still deeply single. Deeply single (adj.) \ˈdēplē ˈsiŋ-gəl\ 1: a state of singleness far beyond the demographic checkboxes of “married” or “single” 2: an inability to remember the last time you went out on […]
5 Rookie Mistakes on a First Date

Dating is hard. Anyone who says otherwise is just faking it. Whether you are headed into a first date with a guy you’ve been majorly crushing on or a guy you’re unsure about, here are five things to consider while in the first date zone. 5 Rookie Mistakes on a First Date 1. The Pick Up Do […]
Why I’m Glad I Didn’t Marry till 30

Even though our culture has dramatically changed, and most women do not marry immediately after college (the median age for American females who wed is 26 years old), I’ve found that most young women, especially Christians, still maintain a hope of meeting her husband in college and marrying shortly after. As I work with high school and […]
Say no.

In my post two weeks ago, I talked about the need for women to say “yes” when asked out on a date by a good guy. When I wrote that post, I was writing to a certain kind of woman. I was also writing to 23-year old me. Until about the age of 27 (and even […]
I can’t get over him.

” I can’t get over this guy. I’ve tried everything in the book to distract myself and I’ve prayed asking God to take the feelings away but nothing changes.” Oh sister. We’ve all been there. Whether you’ve been pinning after a guy who doesn’t know you’re alive or trying to get over someone after […]
I thought I would marry him.

“I thought I would marry him.” Actually there have been 3 him(s). 1. The College Boyfriend. To this day I thank Jesus I didn’t marry that boy. He broke up with me the end of my junior year of college and it was a GOD-sized intervention. I would never have broken up with him. I […]