What am I supposed to do with my life?

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking to a room full of graduating high school seniors about how to decide their major, future career, or the bigger question we’ve all asked at one time or another: What am I supposed to do with my life? Statistics today show that at least 50% of entering college […]
It’s Time for a Change

For at least a year now, there has been something stirring inside of me. A slight discontent or boredom with what had been my dream job for the last several years, something that was causing me to dream of goals and a career path outside of my higher education job. At first this stirring really scared me. The […]
Do You Need New Friends?

Do they know your dreams and ambitions? Are they your biggest supporters? Are you theirs? If your friends determine the course of your life, do you need new friends?
Hard Work v. Results

On November 13, Seth Godin posted this: The initiator For each person who cares enough to make something, who is bold enough to ship it, who is generous enough to say, “here, I made this,”… There are ten people who say, “I could have done it better.” A hundred people who say, “Who are you […]
When You Leave: Personal Branding v. Personal Influence

Personal branding: what people say about you when you leave the room. Personal influence: how people feel when you leave the room.
So you’re busy?

No one’s impressed. I will never forget those words my mom spoke to me while I sat at the kitchen table. It may seem harsh, but that’s my momma. Speaks truth like it is. No sugar coating. Straight to the heart. She has the discernment to know when you can take it straight and when […]