My best friends are all partying & going insane.

“My best friends from high school are all partying and going insane in college. How am I supposed to respond to them?” This is a tricky question to answer without more context, so I’m going to tell you my story. All of us experience this in college. We are either the ones who go crazy […]
How do I tell my roommate I don’t want to live with her again?

“My roommate wants to live with me again next year, but I don’t know how to tell her no. I don’t want to hurt her feelings!” You sweet thing, you’re too kind for your own good. I see this happen all the time. Your current roommate is so sweet and nice, but she drives you crazy. […]
My best friend is pulling away.

“It feels like my best friend is pulling away from me. She’s spending more time with the friends and less time with me. I’m hurt but obviously can’t say, “Stop spending time with other people.” I just want to feel included and like she still cares about me. But I feel like bringing anything up […]
My friend is lying to me because she thinks I will judge her.

“I found out that a good friend has been lying to me about choices she’s recently made, because she thinks I’m going to be disappointed or judge her. I don’t want her to think that, but I’m really upset to hear she has been lying to me. I know I’m not in the right here, […]
My roommate’s boyfriend is over all the time.

My roommate’s boyfriend is over a lot. A lot, a lot. What’s appropriate protocol? Do I hang out with them like I do when it’s just her, or do I let them have their alone time? If they’re just hanging out in the living room, is it okay if I join? I’m just not sure […]
Why am I fighting with my parents all the time?

For the most part, I had a really good relationship with my parents while growing up. Sure we had occasional disagreements, but for the most part, I really liked them and they really liked me… until my senior year of high school. All of a sudden, I felt like they were the enemy, preventing me […]