Stop Waiting for Your Boaz

All the single ladies: Seriously stop it. Stop waiting for your “Boaz.” While it is wonderful (and important) for us to look at our current day situation with a biblical perspective, attempting to layer Ruth’s story over our own stories of finding love is… well, it’s just plain awful ladies. Does the Bible have a […]
5 Rookie Mistakes on a First Date

Dating is hard. Anyone who says otherwise is just faking it. Whether you are headed into a first date with a guy you’ve been majorly crushing on or a guy you’re unsure about, here are five things to consider while in the first date zone. 5 Rookie Mistakes on a First Date 1. The Pick Up Do […]
Why I’m Glad I Didn’t Marry till 30

Even though our culture has dramatically changed, and most women do not marry immediately after college (the median age for American females who wed is 26 years old), I’ve found that most young women, especially Christians, still maintain a hope of meeting her husband in college and marrying shortly after. As I work with high school and […]
Top 5 Most Read in 2015

I find it fascinating to see which of my blogs are most trafficked and shared each year. It’s almost always relationship blogs, with an occasional college girl problem. So, in case you missed it, or you’re just curious– here are my top 5 most read blogs of 2015!
You’re dating the wrong guy

“You’re dating the wrong guy.” She was the second person to say that to me within a month. Both times the comment came from women I loved and trusted and who knew me well. “Every guy you date is the same type of guy and it never works out. Maybe they never work out, because you’re […]
The Dating Game: Should I Pay?

“We’ve been dating for a few months now and I feel bad that he pays for everything. Should I offer to pay?” Dating is already a delicate and even tricky scenario. I marvel at anyone who genuinely enjoys dating. Once you have exclusively dated someone for a while and there is a comfort level– then […]