What am I supposed to do with my life?

what do i do with my life

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking to a room full of graduating high school seniors about how to decide their major, future career, or the bigger question we’ve all asked at one time or another: What am I supposed to do with my life? Statistics today show that at least 50% of entering college […]

Saying Goodbye

You can either run towards something or away from something. A mentor said this to me years ago when reviewing my resume and it stuck with me. When transitioning from job to job, you are either running away from something (a bad job or boss) or you’re running towards something (a new opportunity, growth, or challenge). When […]

It’s Time for a Change

For at least a year now, there has been something stirring inside of me. A slight discontent or boredom with what had been my dream job for the last several years, something that was causing me to dream of goals and a career path outside of my higher education job. At first this stirring really scared me. The […]

Living intentionally

If you did college all over again, what would you do differently? When I transferred my sophomore year to James Madison University, an upperclassman named Kristi, took me under her wings.  She helped me navigate JMU, but more importantly, she helped me navigate relationships and provided a safe place for me to be myself.  She […]

I wanna see you be brave.

A few weeks ago I sat down with my friend–we’ll call her Sam–who wanted to share a major life decision.  Sam has dreamt her entire life of living in Nashville and working in the entertainment industry.  She is incredibly talented, driven, and creative.  I fully believe she will find success pursuing what she loves. But […]

Keeping the main thing the main thing.

“How do I keep my focus on what’s most important?” “I want to get out of default mode where all I think about is what I have to do/study/plan to make sure I’m really making the most of my time here. College is so hectic and demanding of your attention and time that it’s easy […]