Road Rage + The Holy Spirit
“And we urge you, brothers and sisters, admonish the undisciplined, comfort the discouraged, help the weak, be patient toward all.” Two nights ago, just before falling asleep, I asked God to use me, to allow me to be His hands and feet in my day. I specifically prayed, “Lord, help me be loving, kind, gracious, […]
Pay Attention: Change v. Transition
Change. It happens to us all. You may be the kind who loves change; you create it in your life. You hop jobs, towns, boyfriends, friend groups, whatever. If your life stays the same for too long, you force change upon yourself otherwise you’d crawl out of your skin. Or you may be the kind that […]
No Longer A Slave to Fear
If you attended church on Sunday, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you sang “No Longer Slaves“. Let’s be honest, there’s like a 99% chance you did. My church sure did. But wow, it was powerful. Men and women, hands raised, belting out truth and confessing, “I’m no longer a slave […]
You are not a victim
Life is full of disappointments and hardships. It just is. No matter how well you and I try to live this life, we won’t escape tragedy, hard times, and disappointments. It’s a certainty. So many of us are experiencing those things right now. We didn’t get into our dream college; we didn’t get the job we […]
What I Fear The Most
Though it’s been over four years, I still remember the exact moment I sat behind my laptop and clicked “post” to share with the social media world that I had started a blog. I wanted to vomit. Truly. It was one of the worst feelings in the world. Those of you who have done something similar know what I’m talking […]
It’s Time for a Change
For at least a year now, there has been something stirring inside of me. A slight discontent or boredom with what had been my dream job for the last several years, something that was causing me to dream of goals and a career path outside of my higher education job. At first this stirring really scared me. The […]