Resting in God’s Presence

God’s presence is always with us. He never leaves us. Even if we try to run away from him. But how often am I actually attuned to His presence? Sure, I may read my bible in the morning but am I actually connecting with God’s Spirit or just reading a few chapters and checking off a box?
Not Another New Year’s Resolution

Enough with the hustling already.
How to Change Your Husband

See some flaws in your husband that need to be helped? Here are five ways to change your spouse!
Is This The Man I Married?

“Is this the man I married?!” The thought rang between my ears as I choked down the anger and panic that was quickly rising up my throat. My husband is a rock. Truly, he is the most consistent person I know. Every day of marriage, I have greater assurance that I know exactly who he is and how […]
The True Measure of Spiritual Maturity

The true measure of spiritual maturity is godly behavior. Right? Depending on your background, you responded to that statement in one of two ways: nodding agreement or immediate panic. As a recovering “good girl”, I panic. It has taken me years to shake off the behavior-modification view of Christianity, and I am still prone to go […]
Taking control when God goes inactive

I hate inaction. I can’t stand it in the workplace when a vision has been cast or a plan created and there is no movement. I am a doer, a mover. And the older I get, the more I see that God loves to do just that. God loves to plant a desire in my heart or even give me a vision of His plan for me and then… pause. He seemingly goes inactive.