You are not a victim

Life is full of disappointments and hardships. It just is. No matter how well you and I try to live this life, we won’t escape tragedy, hard times, and disappointments. It’s a certainty. So many of us are experiencing those things right now. We didn’t get into our dream college; we didn’t get the job we […]

Resting in God’s Presence

God’s presence is always with us. He never leaves us. Even if we try to run away from him. But how often am I actually attuned to His presence? Sure, I may read my bible in the morning but am I actually connecting with God’s Spirit or just reading a few chapters and checking off a box?

How’s Your Soul?

How’s Your Soul? Three little words but a giant question. “How’s your soul?” he asked. Not “how are you, how’s your week, or even how’s your heart.” How’s your soul? I paused. I wasn’t sure. I hadn’t given much thought as to how my soul was. I was busy. I was tired. I was slowly moving out […]

The Real Work of Christmas

December 1 has arrived. Whether you’re like my husband who thinks it’s acceptable to begin listening to Christmas music in early November, or more like me who thinks it’s ridiculous to begin any Christmas shenanigans until the day after Thanksgiving, I think we can all agree that the arrival of December 1 means full on Christmas Craziness. […]

The True Measure of Spiritual Maturity

The true measure of spiritual maturity is godly behavior. Right? Depending on your background, you responded to that statement in one of two ways: nodding agreement or immediate panic. As a recovering “good girl”, I panic. It has taken me years to shake off the behavior-modification view of Christianity, and I am still prone to go […]

Praying honestly: God can handle it

Ever feel like you can’t be honest with God in prayer? I used to think it was sinful or immature to express negative feelings to God. I was afraid if I communicated hurt or frustration in my prayers, I would somehow diminish God’s power or disprove my trust in Him.