From Grumbling To Gratitude

I’m going to be brutally honest here. I hate folding my husband’s undershirts. I’ve never been a fan of folding laundry, but his laundry is the worst. When we first got married, folks would ask, “What’s been the biggest surprise in marriage?” “THE AMOUNT OF LAUNDRY HE ADDS.” was always my reply. My husband owns […]
Top 5 Most Read in 2015

I find it fascinating to see which of my blogs are most trafficked and shared each year. It’s almost always relationship blogs, with an occasional college girl problem. So, in case you missed it, or you’re just curious– here are my top 5 most read blogs of 2015!
I don’t want to live with her again.

“I currently have two roommates but only want to live with one of them next year.” You’ve only been at school for half of a semester, but it’s already that time when students start discussing their living situation for next year. If you are wondering how to tell your roommate you don’t want to […]
Communicating in conflict

The fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. -Proverbs 18:2 Think about the last time you talked through a conflict with someone. Could be your mom/dad, boyfriend, best friend, roommate, classmate (those pesky group projects, oy)… you get the idea. Hopefully this isn’t hard for you to pinpoint. We experience […]
I gained a roommate & lost a friend.

“Last year my roommate (roomie #1) and I got along so well we decided to live together again this year. We also asked one of my friends (roomies #2) to live with us. Now, roomie #1 is always copied up in her room while roomie #2 and I are getting along perfectly. We have people […]
Roommate Woes

“My roommate is constantly waking me up in the middle of the night because she comes home drunk.” Oh yes. This one is a classic. For those of you in a similar situation, I’ll let our friend tell more of her story, because I think you will connect. “I […]