It’s my last summer at home
“It’s my last month at home before I head off to college. Any advice?” Why, yes. SOAK IT UP. 1. Spend quality time with your parents and siblings. I am a broken record about this. Probably because I wish I could go back in time and do a better job of this when I was […]
Summer boredom
“I’ve been home for less than a week and am already bored to tears. Help!” Oh summer. We are desperate for you to get here and then we complain when we aren’t insanely busy. First of all- QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING. I’m kidding. (kind of) The number of summers you actually have left in life are […]
How am I supposed to return to real life?
“I just returned from a life-altering summer trip and have no clue how I’ supposed to go back to ‘normal life.’” Let me just go ahead and confess that I am trying to figure this out myself. I returned last week from a 2-week trip in eastern Europe. I’ve traveled overseas at least a dozen […]