When You Trust God with Some Things, But Not Everything

This blog is part of Andrea Lucado’s series, “Notes To Your Younger Self”. Be sure to check out the rest of the series and Andrea’s new book, “English Lessons.” Scroll to the bottom of this post to win a free copy of Andrea’s book! Dear Hanna, Last night was a big night for you. It’s taken […]
What are you waiting for?

Most of us, maybe all of us, are waiting on something in life to change. We’re waiting for our job situation to improve, waiting to meet our future husband, waiting to get pregnant, waiting for a clean bill of health, waiting for a relationship to be mended, waiting for a person to change, waiting for […]
Fearing bad news

There is a lot of bad news I can imagine receiving, and recently I’ve found myself constantly imagining some of my worst fears coming to fruition. I’ve been told this is normal, but I don’t want to keep getting slammed with fear of bad news. And I’m realizing I don’t have to…
The one thing I didn’t believe God could do

God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. God will give you the desires of your heart. God has plans for you– plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I believe those statements to be true. I believe in a God who knows us intimately, has personalized plans for us, cares about […]
Hannah’s Prayer: Rejoicing amidst sacrifice

What if we rejoiced in the Lord– not when God gives us what we want–but when we are facing sacrifice and loss?