When You Trust God with Some Things, But Not Everything

This blog is part of Andrea Lucado’s series, “Notes To Your Younger Self”. Be sure to check out the rest of the series and Andrea’s new book, “English Lessons.” Scroll to the bottom of this post to win a free copy of Andrea’s book! Dear Hanna, Last night was a big night for you. It’s taken […]
The Apostle Paul’s Advice to America

If the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the church in America today, he would give the exact same advice as found in the book of Colossians.
End of the semester blues.

I’m so stressed out I could die… or at least have a major mental breakdown. I so remember this feeling. And believe me, I’m in a similar place in life right now. There is way too much to do and truly not enough time. 1. You are not alone. EVERYONE feels like this during […]
I’m overwhelmed.

“I’m only a few days into my freshman year and am feeling completely overwhelmed.” First of all, you are not alone. EVERYONE is feeling overwhelmed. It might look differently on other people, but that’s based on how they are coping. Some withdraw, hide in their rooms, and get very homesick and lonely. Others push into […]
It’s my last summer at home

“It’s my last month at home before I head off to college. Any advice?” Why, yes. SOAK IT UP. 1. Spend quality time with your parents and siblings. I am a broken record about this. Probably because I wish I could go back in time and do a better job of this when I was […]
Abide in the vine.

I’m sitting in an airport lobby ready to write a post about “abiding in the vine” and suddenly the TV starts flashing with breaking news about the shooting at Lone Star College. I feel sick to my stomach. I feel like bursting into tears. I don’t feel safe. I’m angry. And now I’m just bewildered. […]