I want to be a leader.

“I want to be a leader.” I’ve heard this dozens of times. You were a major player, holding leadership positions, throughout high school, but now that you’ve gotten to college–you haven’t had the opportunity to make your mark, much less run for office in a student organization. I’ve been at a conference for the past […]

What do I do when I don’t want to be where I am?

“What do I do when I don’t want to be where I am? This has been a constant struggle for me the past two years of college. Don’t get my wrong, I absolutely LOVE college, but I have a constant nagging my heart and longing for something else. My dream i stop work internationally, supporting […]

What defines me?

“I only feel valuable when I perform well.” I was a vocal performance major for two years in college.  Somewhere along the way, I realized that my entire identity and overall feelings of worth were wrapped up in how I performed each week–either in my lesson or in studio (in front of the rest of […]

How do I find direction & meaning in college?

“I’m a junior, double major in Broadcast Journalism and Music. For most of high school until this year, I had planned on being a journalist and having a career in news. But most of this school year, I’ve been almost completely disenchanted with journalism and am feeling directionless. How am I supposed to  figure out […]

Is it wrong to want success?

“In one of my classes recently, my teacher was calling role. When he got to know my name, he said to the class, ‘You know, you people need to get to know her. She’s going to be rich and famous one day.’ And it made me realize that I have a ruthless desire to be […]