How do I initiate and maintain friendships?

“If people approach me to be friends, I feel I have nothing to offer to maintain the relationship. How can I initiate and maintain the friendship with conversation and common ground?” I got this email over a week ago and sat on it.  I’ve thought about it every single day and I’m still not sure […]

My friend is lying to me because she thinks I will judge her.

“I found out that a good friend has been lying to me about choices she’s recently made, because she thinks I’m going to be disappointed or judge her. I don’t want her to think that, but I’m really upset to hear she has been lying to me. I know I’m not in the right here, […]

My roommate has all her high school friends & I feel left out.

“My roommate has all her high school friends to hang out with and I don’t know anyone. I’ve tried to tag along a few times, but it feels like she’d rather not include me. I don’t want to seem needy but I’m just not sure what to do.” First let me just start by saying, […]

What do I do when I don’t want to be where I am?

“What do I do when I don’t want to be where I am? This has been a constant struggle for me the past two years of college. Don’t get my wrong, I absolutely LOVE college, but I have a constant nagging my heart and longing for something else. My dream i stop work internationally, supporting […]

Are these friendships in vain?

This is the third & final part to “Graduating is 2 weeks away & I’m freaking out”, but I think it’s applicable to any time in life. “I feel like all the emotional energy I have poured into friendships and relationships at college is going to waste. I’m tired of these people. Ready to leave […]

What’s the line between forgiveness & trust?

“I have a friend who has done some things that really hurt me. She has asked forgiveness, which I’m working on, but the bigger question for me is: Where is the line between showing her grace and trusting her? Or forgiving her and pursuing a friendship?“ In some form or another, I hear this question […]