I thought I would marry him.

“I thought I would marry him.” Actually there have been 3 him(s). 1. The College Boyfriend. To this day I thank Jesus I didn’t marry that boy. He broke up with me the end of my junior year of college and it was a GOD-sized intervention. I would never have broken up with him. I […]

How can I tell if he likes me?

“So there’s this guy. He keeps sending me mixed signals. We’ll talk for a few hours (over text and calls) and then I won’t hear from him for a while. He keeps making comments that lead me to believe that he lives me, but I’m not really sure. How can I tell if he likes me? […]

Please stop being a Valentine’s Day hater.

This post is for all the Valentine’s Day haters. First let me make my confession: I love Valentine’s Day. I do. And I have never, in 28 years, had a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day.  And, honestly, counting the number of guys I’ve dated, it’s kind of a small miracle. But there are a lot of […]

Waiting for the “right” guy…

“I’m struggling with waiting for the ‘right’ guy.” If I make assumptions from this statement, I can go two ways with this. 1- You are bored and/or just tired of being single, so you are considering dating someone that you know isn’t a good match for you.  Or 2- You aren’t dating anyone, and in […]

I’ve been in a 3-year relationship but my head is starting to turn…

“I’m in a long-distance relationship of three years but I met this gorgeous, intelligent, respectful guy last weekend. He asked for my number and I told him I had a boyfriend but I’d take his number. I texted him later, but he doesn’t seem much of a texter. He invited me over to his apartment […]

I fell into the friends-with-benefits zone.

“A few months ago, I fell into the ‘friends with benefits’ zone with a guy and now I’ve fallen for him. We spend all our time together and when I bring up dating, he says he’s not ready to commit. He says he needs more time to decide. I think I like him more than […]