7 easy ways to celebrate Ascension Day 2024

Ascension Day is on Thursday, May 9 in 2024. This is the day Christians commemorate the ascension of Jesus into heaven as described in the gospel of Luke and Acts. Scripture about Christ’s Ascension And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While He was […]
29. When you need to forgive but don’t know where to start

This is a really important conversation. Jessica Hottle joins me to talk about healing from childhood trauma, learning how to forgive, and ultimately finding freedom in Christ.
28. When you don’t know God has better for you

Y’all are gonna love this girl. Ainsley B and her sassiness are in the house, talking about abusive relationships, how God has better for you, and how Jesus came to set us free.
27. When you feel a longing but don’t have clarity from God

Songstress, Jillian Edwards, is here to talk about seasons of waiting, season of seeking clarity, and how there is blessing in the simple act of planting seeds. You will love this conversation and this woman–if you don’t already!
26. When embracing uncomfortable leads to freedom and joy

Dr. Deb Gorton, author of Embracing Uncomfortable, shares her insight as a clinical psychologist with several personal stories about how our drive for comfort is leading us away from our desired destination, and what you and I can do to start living differently.
25. When you experience “the great terrible”

What should have been an exciting new chapter of life, began with the funerals of her dad and then mom. Morgan Coyner joins me in the studio today to talk about her “great terrible”, grief, death, addiction, and how the kindness of God can be found in even the darkest corners. Check out our show notes to learn more about The Next Door.